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Ranking of the 6 best Menstrual Discs brands


There are several brands that offer menstrual discs today, but with different shapes, sizes and offerings, it is not always easy to know which period disc to choose. 🤔
To make your life easier, we have tested and ranked the 6 best brands of menstrual discs for 2025 ! 🎉

Here is the summary of our selection:

  • #1: OmyDisc 🏆
  • No. 2: Cup&Co
  • #3: Ziggy
  • #4: FemDisc
  • No. 5: Nixit
  • No. 6: AyoraCup


How to choose your reusable menstrual disc?

Choosing a menstrual disc is a very personal choice. What is perfect for your best friend may not be ideal for you. 😊 So there are several important criteria to know to choose your menstrual disc well and avoid leaks .

What size menstrual disc should I choose?

The size of your menstrual disc depends mainly on how high your cervix is ​​in your vagina.

The higher your cervix, the larger the disc size you will need. Here are our recommendations:

  • Low cervix : The OmyDisc menstrual disc size S is the most suitable.
  • Average cervix : The OmyDisc menstrual disc size M will fit perfectly.
  • High cervix : Try OmyDisc disposable menstrual disc , which can better fit your anatomy.

The main criteria for choosing your menstrual disc

The choice of criteria depends on your experience with menstrual discs. Are you a beginner or an expert?

Important criteria if you are a menstrual disc beginner

  • A pack with two sizes : Packs with two sizes of menstrual discs, such as the OmyDisc S+M pack , are more suitable for beginners. This allows you to test and find the size that best suits your body.
  • Money Back Guarantee : OmyDisc offers you a 90-day guarantee , ideal for testing this protection without risk. If it doesn't suit you, you can get a refund.
  • An easy-to-use disc : For a first disc, choose a menstrual disc with a tab (ring or string) to facilitate removal and an applicator for insertion.

Criteria to Consider If You Are a period Disc user

  • Size : If you already have a disc size that works well, don't change it, look at the brand size guide and take a disc that has the same dimensions (often measured in mm).
  • Shape : If your old disc worked well for you, also keep the same shape as your previous disc (round or oval).
  • Other features : The size and shape criteria are the most important, you can then choose a more or less rigid disc, with or without a tab, reusable or disposable, according to your preferences.
  • Pack 2 discs : Take advantage of offers like the one from OmyDisc which offers a free menstrual disc for each disc purchased. This allows you to have two, very practical when traveling or if you don't have time to clean it.


Comparative table of menstrual discs in France

Criteria OmyDisc Cup&Co Ziggy Femdisc Ayoracup Nixit
Absorption capacity ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Comfort ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ease of use ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Offer 1 disc purchased = 1 free 1 disc purchased = 1 free No special offer 1 disc purchased = 1 free No special offer -50% on the 2nd disc
Guarantee 90 days refunded or size change 90 days refunded or size change No warranty No warranty 30 days refunded No warranty
Accessories Applicator Applicator + Sterilizer Cleaning product Cleaning product Applicator
Cleaning product
Price (€) 39.90 44.90 39.95 45-53 39.79 47
Overall rating ⭐ 4.8/5 ⭐ 4.5/5 ⭐ 4.2/5 ⭐ 4/5 ⭐ 4/5 ⭐ 3.5/5



Ranking of the 6 best brands of menstrual discs

OmyDisc!: The best menstrual disc brand in France 🇫🇷

Price = €39.9

Benefits ✅

Disadvantage ❌

Best value for money

No cleaning product

With tab

90 day warranty

Optional applicator


At OmyDisc , we have designed what we believe to be the best menstrual disc! 🎉

We have based ourselves on our experience as users to create the best offer whether you are new to the menstrual disc or a regular user.

Our goal? To allow all women to test this new protection without fear of losing money if the product does not suit them.
That's why we offer a 90-day guarantee to try our menstrual discs.

Check out women's reviews of the menstrual disc to get a first impression of this new protection.

Cup&Co: Our opinion on this French brand 🇫🇷

Price = 32.9 - 44.9 €

Benefits ✅ Disadvantage ❌
Special beginner pack No tab
90 day warranty Often out of stock
Optional Applicator and Sterilizer


Cup&Co is a great alternative , especially with their 90-day warranty and their pack specially designed for beginners, including practical accessories like the applicator and sterilizer.

However, we find it a shame that they do not offer menstrual discs with tabs , as this could help new users a lot.

Ziggy: Our opinion on the Swedish brand Intimina 🇸🇪

Price = €39.95

Benefits ✅
Disadvantage ❌
International brand No tab
2 disc sizes No applicator
Affordable price (often on sale) No warranty


Intimina Ziggy menstrual discs have a particular shape (oval) , different from most menstrual discs. This shape can be interesting to test.
However, in our opinion, this brand is more suitable for regulars , as they do not offer an applicator or tab, and do not offer any guarantee to try their products.

Femdisc: Our opinion on the German brand 🇩🇪

Price = 45 - 53 €

Benefits ✅
Disadvantage ❌
2 sizes available No applicator
Option with or without tab No real guarantee
High prices


With a 1 disc purchased = 1 free pack, Femdisc is a good option . They also offer a version with a tab, which is a plus.
However, their products are quite expensive , and the lack of warranty makes them less accessible for beginners.

We recommend that you test their menstrual discs only if you are sure that their size and shape are suitable for your body.

Ayoracup: Our opinion on the Spanish brand 🇪🇸

Price = €39.79

Benefits ✅
Disadvantage ❌
With tab Only one size available
30 day guarantee Mandatory applicator
Applicator included


Ayoracup is a great option for beginners , with its menstrual disc featuring a tab and applicator , as well as a 30-day warranty.
However, offering just one size is a big drawback, because every body is different and one size cannot fit all .
Since the applicator is mandatory for each purchase, this may be less suitable for regulars who will certainly need it less.

Nixit: Our opinion on the famous Canadian brand 🇨🇦

Price = 47 €

Benefits ✅
Disadvantage ❌
International brand No applicator or tab
Good disc quality No warranty
Very high prices


Nixit is undoubtedly the brand that has contributed the most to making menstrual discs known around the world.

However, their products are designed more for experts than beginners. Their high price , lack of options like a tab or applicator , and lack of warranty make them a less accessible solution for those who want to discover this protection.

However, it remains a good option for those who already have mastered the use of menstrual discs.